30th Edition
Prix de la Gravure et de l’Image imprimée
Julie Scouflaire — PGII Manager
+32 (0) 64 27 87 22
The Prix de la Gravure et de l’Image imprimée (Printmaking and Printed Art Prize) has been organized since 1989 thanks to the support of the Minister of Culture of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation (Visual Arts Department). It is intended to encourage the practice of printing and printed art within the Wallonia-Brussels Federation and to offer real visibility to the artists practicing this discipline. All traditional printing techniques as well as those relying on new technologies are accepted. With a first prize of € 2.500, this contest is reserved for artists aged 25-45 from the Wallonia-Brussels Federation (or residing on its territory for more than 1 year already).
Every year, an internal pre-jury makes a preselection of the artworks presented during the exhibition. Subsequently, an external jury composed of Belgian and international established figures from the sector will meet in order to award the prize. Exceptionally, honourable mentions might also be awarded.
The Centre de la Gravure et de l’Image imprimée enjoys the permanent support of the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, the Walloon Region and the Municipal Administration of La Louvière.
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